Parish Events

The Social Events Ministry was established to help create and organize different events for the parish of St. Francis. Events, both large and small, are an important part of building our parish and our community, for it is at these events where we have the opportunity not only to serve, but to meet, work with, and get to know our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Events come in all shapes and sizes, and are organized by different members of the parish. Some events are held to raise money, while other events are for community and fellowship. Bake sales, the Children’s Masses, and our monthly Bingo are just a few of our re-occurring events here at St. Francis, and we are always looking for new and exciting ways to serve our Lord and our community. Please contact the church, (904) 849-1256,  if you would like to volunteer for any of our current events, or if you would like to find out how you can be a part of this wonderful adventure.

For information concerning Events, contact: Cathy McKnight or Susie Bryant at:  events

Our first annual Valentine’s Day Dinner/Dance was held on Sunday, February 14th featuring live music.


This year (2022) the Valentine’s Day event has been changed to The St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Dance on Sunday, March 20th due to a conflict in February with Super Bowl Sunday. 

Doors open at 5:00 pm. Couples: $24, Singles: $12. Menu: Corned Beef & Cabbage.

Sunday, June 18th is Father’s Day. We will be hosting a brunch after the 9:30 am Mass in the pavilion. This year we’ll be serving individual breakfast casserole muffins (quiche). Volunteers are needed to prepare the muffins. I will provide all the ingredients and the recipe. Several ladies signed up today at the meeting. More are needed. Please consider helping!


Last Sunday of Every Month

Come join us for coffee and donuts after the 9:30 am Family Mass. Enjoy the fellowship!

There are a number of ministries at St. Francis dedicated to serving all areas of the community and our mission. For the Ministry Fair, representatives set up tables after all masses to provide information on their ministry, answer questions, and sign up new members. Click HERE for information and contacts.

Check back for future shows

Every year Events and Women’s Activities hosts a Ladies Tea. The event includes a luncheon, raffle gift, and guest speaker.  All ladies in the parish are welcome and encourage to dress in afternoon tea attire. For more information, email Cathy McKnight at Social Events or Mary Flanagan at Women’s Activities. The first Ladies’ Tea (photos)was hosted in September 2018 and was a spectacular event enjoyed by all.

The January 23rd, 2022 Ladie’s Tea Tea has been canceled and will tentatively be rescheduled for May.

Lenten Fish Fries – Fish Fries, eat-in or take-out, will be held every Friday from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm during Lent starting February 16th and Good Friday will be take-out only. Take-out only will also be available at 7:00 pm after the stations.


Fish Plate, Shrimp Plate, or a half fish/half shrimp plate – $15.00

Beer and Wine – $3.00

Soda, water, & Coffee – $1.00

NOTE: CASH ONLY – credit cards are NOT accepted!

Stations of the Cross will begin at 6:30 every Friday after the Fish Fry dinner.

St. Francis parishioners are invited to adopt a Christmas tree Angel to help make Christmas wishes come true for those in need within our broader community. Please visit the picnic tables after Masses starting on November 18th -19th. Angel tags contain the needs and wishes of those who require assistance during the Christmas holidays. Be an Angel to Those in Need Parishioners are asked to shop for the angels and return wrapped gifts no later than December 3rd.

Thank you for celebrating Jesus’ birthday in ways that bring hope and comfort to those who need it most this Christmas season. 


Each year, all the ministries combine their talents and efforts to present the annual Craft Boutique.  “Boutique Crafts in a Vintage Setting” debuted in 2018 with crafts set within a Victorian ambiance.  For 2019, the theme was “The Forties” showcasing memorabilia from WW II and the forties. In 2020, we offered an online “Dickens at St. Francis”. The boutiques offer high-quality handmade crafts and gifts. Everyone is welcome!

For 2024, Pat Deacon is coordinator/chair for this event. The committee to assist Pat, includes Elsie Zaragoza, Kathleen Grimm and me. With Fr. Slawek’s approval, the Craft Boutique is scheduled for October 18th, 19th & 20th. Start the planning & crafting! Hand-crafted items only. All crafts are donations. All proceeds from the Craft Boutique will fund a statue/sculpture of St. Francis of Assisi and two animals for our new church. 

Please download and fill out the registration form and return it to Pat. REGISTRATION FORM

The Saint Francis of Assisi Blood Drives are held every eight weeks from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the church parking lot.

The September Blood Drive collected 25 units, which will help 75 Patients!

The next Blood Drive will be on

Sunday, October 27th

All donors will receive a free gift and a wellness check-up.  Appointments are encouraged; please REGISTER and use sponsor code #34851

Do not present to donate if you have a fever. You must wait at least 14 days before donating if you have been exposed to someone who has or may have COVID-19, have recently been tested, and are pending test results for COVID-19, or if you have a confirmed active case of COVID-19.  ID required. Donors must be at least 16 years old. Those who are under 16 years old need parental permission. See the website for more details. *One offer per donor, per donation. No cash value. Not-transferable. If you have recently donated, thank you. Please visit us when you are eligible to donate again. The donor must have a successful donation to obtain results. If the donor does not already have an account created in the donor portal, they must provide an email address to the phlebotomist at the time of registration so an account can be created. The donor will receive an email post-donation with instructions. The same email provided at registration is used to activate the donor portal account.


November 26, 2023 September 1, 2024
January 21, 2024 October 27, 2024
March 17, 2024 December 22, 2024
May 12, 2024 February 16, 2025
July 7, 2024






Bake Sales and Cookie Exchanges are held periodically throughout the year and are often combined with other events.  For more information on Bake sales, email Cathy McKnight at

The Men of St. Francis, in conjunction with the Events Ministry, sponsor a yearly Oyster Roast and Fellowship. The menu includes a bucket of oysters for $20.00. A Hamburger/Hotdog meal is available for s $10.00, and all dinners include sides of fries, coleslaw, baked beans, corn on the cob, cookies, and drinks.

St. Francis celebrated its first annual church picnic in March 2017.  Every year since the parish has enjoyed the annual picnic with great food and numerous fun games and activities for all ages.  Click HERE to view photos of the events. Our Picnic for this year will be on Sunday, October 6th from 12:00 noon until 3:00 pm.

Ring the Bell Red Kettle Program: A big Thank You to all those who participated in the Salvation Army Red Kettle Program by Ringing the Bell at Publix this Christmas Season.  Forty-Eight Parishioners volunteered a total of one hundred hours of their valuable time to support the needy of Nassau County.  Bless you all for your kindness and generosity. The total funds collected will be provided at a later date. 

The following was received from the Coordinator for the Red Kettle Program. “As we usher in the New Year, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate your incredible service during our 2023 Red Kettle Campaign. Your commitment has been instrumental in driving our success and making a meaningful impact in the community. With the collective efforts of dedicated volunteers like you, we proudly raised $64,050! This achievement reflects the compassion and dedication present in our community, and it goes a long way in supporting those in need.

Your contribution through the St Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission Day sponsorship has been particularly significant, adding $4,010 to our cause. This generosity plays a critical role in our mission to provide support and uplift those facing difficult times.”